Sunday mornings: 10am-12pm in-person & Zoom (no Sunday morning program the weekends of all-day sits)
Wednesday evenings: 7-8pm in-person & Zoom
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday mornings: 7-8am Zoom only
Cost: There is no cost for our weekly zazen sessions. We do have a donation bowl, and it is much appreciated if, each time you attend, you can make a small offering to help support the zendo.
Monthly, day-long sitting (sesshin), usually the last week of the month: Saturdays (in-person only) or Sundays (in-person and Zoom) 9am-5pm. Access sesshin schedule HERE.
Sesshin cost: $35 for non-members, $30 for members, with a $10 oryoki bowl rental fee for those who do not have their own oryoki bowl set
Please arrive early for all events–about five or ten minutes before the scheduled start time.
Dress suggestions: Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing; avoid t-shirts with logos, messages or graphics. Summer months – shorts or skirts long enough to sit comfortably cross-legged are allowed.
Zoom link available by emailing