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Dear Zen Center of Philadelphia Sangha,
The Bodhisattva, the ideal figure of Mahayana Zen, is characterized by many virtues. Among them is dana, giving. We also know that one of the Buddhist precepts is: Do not steal. The positive way of phrasing this precept is: Give generously. So together the precept reads: Do not steal; give generously.
When we take, no matter what it is, without giving in return, we in effect steal. To become a contributing member of the Center is to right the balance between taking what the Center has to offer and responding with generosity. There are many ways of giving besides money. Money is necessary to run the Center, but not sufficient. You support the Center with your attendance and practice. And many of you contribute time and work most generously to do various jobs and projects to keep the Center running.
Many thanks for your giving.
One way to contribute to the Center is to become a member and contribute dues. The Board of Directors has set the following membership dues structure:
Limited income membership: $35/month
Basic membership: $60/month
Sustaining membership: +$60/month
Sesshin (all-day sit) fees are as follows:
Member: $30
Non-Member: $35
Bowls: $10
ZCP programs and classes fees are as follows: $10 donation for each session of a study group.
No one will be turned away. Prospective members and visitors who can’t afford the limited income option or anyone who wishes to participate in ZCP programs can discuss options with the teacher. The important thing is to make a commitment to support the sangha and sustain your practice. The amount is less important.
If you wish to become a member of the Zen Center of Philadelphia, please download and fill out the ZCP membership form and bring it to the Center.