No one will be turned away. Prospective members and visitors who can’t afford the limited income option or anyone who wishes to participate in ZCP programs can discuss options with the teacher. The important thing is to make a commitment to support the sangha and sustain your practice. The amount is less important.
If you wish to become a member of the Zen Center of Philadelphia, please download and fill out the ZCP_membership form and bring it to the Center.
The Board of Directors has set the following membership dues structure:
Limited income membership: $35/month
Basic membership: $60/month
Sustaining membership: +$60/month
You can make membership payments the following ways:
- Cash – bring to the Center in a clearly labeled envelope
- Checks – make out to Zen Center of Philadelphia and mail to Pat George, 4904 Cedar Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19143
- PayPal and Venmo payments can be made by clicking the links below:
Membership Payments via Credit or Debit Card
Recurring Membership Payments via PayPal
Membership Payments via Venmo